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Balance Veterinary Care provides holistic veterinary care to companion animals
both in your home and at our clinic in South Eugene.


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Clinic Visit

We create a comfortable, peaceful atmosphere within our tiny space, including fully glass-paned garage doors in each exam room for direct entry and exit that eliminates the stressful waiting room experience.

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Home Visit

We come to you. Pets are far less stressed and the convenience is invaluable.

In-home services are best for sick or arthritic patients, or more than 2 pets.

Telehealth Visit

Dr. Teri Sue can visualize your pet during the Telehealth appointment and may ask you specific questions about what you see and feel.

Each Visit with Dr. Wright Includes

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Wellness Exams

Annual Wellness Exams

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First Time Visits

Including medical history, current symptoms and progression.  The physical exam identifies the story within the body - to find specific support and treatments that have the maximum benefit.

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Annual Visits

Track improvements, continue momentum with managing imbalances for a more well pet long-term.  As it fits with owner’s lifestyle and resources.


Comprehensive physical exams. This is the fundamental piece to allow Dr. Wright to observe imbalances, however subtle. Based on years of examining pets and monitoring wellness / dis-ease with and without a plethora of treatments.

Lab Work
Hebal Nutrition
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Herbal Consultations

We work with Laughing Birch Herbals, a trained and trusted local herbalist who understands the energetics of plants and the power of herbal medicine. 

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Diet Plans

We create diet plans tailored to your dog's breed and lifestyle to promote long-term health and well-being. 

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Our diet plans may consist of herbal supplements for added nutritional and vitamin support.

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Diet Formultions

Diet Formulations

For the Home Cook

We nutritionally balance and/or create Homemade Diet Recipes customized for your pet. It is necessary to review your homemade recipe - to make sure it contains the recommended amount of fats, minerals and vitamins, etc - to name just a few factors we evaluate.

We use a Raw Food Diet Calculator to either review the ingredients you are already using or to start from customizing a diet from. 

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Our customized diet plans consider your pets:

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Activity Level


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Nail Trim
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Nail Trims

Fear-free nail trims! Our skilled Vet Assistants use standard clippers and/or the dremel, and work with challenging behaviors to heal PTSD. Nail trims can be provided with or without sedation, as appropriate and best for your pet’s optimal long-term, improved ability to manage stressors with good, fear-free behaviors.

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Gentle Process

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Minimal Vaccines

Vaccines / Titer Testing 

We track disease and educate owners about why to vaccinate. This topic is controversial, with many perspectives. We discuss risk vs. benefit. We always build the immune system.

Titer Test

We always recommend titer testing to measure protective antibodies for a dis-ease within the blood. Antibodies are created from the vaccine to fight that dis-ease. Titer testing helps avoid over-vaccinating and the associated risks.

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In Office or Mobile
Appointment Available 

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Blood Work

Lab/Blood Work

We measure underlying organ function.  We use many labs to check from baselines to endocrine balance, to toxins and mineral deficiencies and the microbiome (gut). We use blood, saliva, hair and fecal samples.

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No prep
or aftercare

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In Office or Mobile
Appointment Available 

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Ozone Therapy

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Ozone Therapy

Rectal Ozone (RO3) 

This oxygenates the intestinal cells, blood (that goes to the liver), and surrounding tissue, to oxygenate tissue, stimulate detox, reduce inflammation, and helps eliminate an unhealthy bio-film to create a better habitat for good bugs. ​

Fecal Microbiome Restorative Therapy / Transplant (FMBRT)

We take feces from a healthy dog/cat with a known diverse microbiome and transplant it rectally into a dog/cat; always after rectal ozone. This helps to profoundly recolonize beneficial organisms into the new environment.

• Often, we combine rectal ozone with a FMBRT.

• We may also recommend feeding FMBRT Tabs, feces from a healthy microbiome, daily for at least 30 days or longer to help replenish good bugs into the microbiome.

IV Ozone with UVB aka O3UVB

(UV A and/or B based on wavelengths examined) - We give ozone intravenously, mixed with blood, saline, and ozone first, then exposed to UV A&B to enhance effects. Then this is placed back into the vein for optimal cellular enhancement systemically. This reduces inflammation, brings oxygen to restricted locations (ie cancer) and improves outcomes.

Laser Therapy
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Laser Therapy

We use a very low level or cold laser, also known as a Scalar Wave Laser. This laser is safe, can be used in the home, and more effective the more it is used. It is regenerative photon light therapy (similar to sunlight that your plants use to grow).The laser is red, infrared and violet with probes; that is very customizable, with over _____ settings. 


The advanced, patented scalar wave technology with red, infrared and violet wavelengths (with probes) works well to promote regeneration to normal alignment and function at the cellular level. Light therapy can restructure cellular memory, and improve trauma (especially when used with ozone!)

Scalar Wave Laser Therapy

This light therapy rejuvenates the cell, unwinds and clears cellular memory and activates latent quantum biological processes. Remember, cellular activity works at superconductor speeds. This therapy is even more effective when used in conjunction with Ozone Therapy.

Scalar Wave Lasers Are Used For: 

Injuries & Pain Relief

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Stress & Disease

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Organ Detox & Balancing

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Acupuncture & Energy Healing

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Lymphatic Wellness & Rejuvenation

Cranial & Grandular Unwinding

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Quantum Activation & Shift to the Unified Field

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CryoProbe Therapy

CryoProbe Therapy

We use liquid nitrogen to freeze unwanted, benign cellular processes such as warts, skin tags, cysts, etc. Light sedation is often suggested and we use ozone as a light pain management tool. Cryoprobe is a cosmetic quick procedure that avoids anesthesia with minimal to no pain.

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Light Sedation

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Quick Procedure

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In Office or Mobile
Appointment Available 

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Hospice Care

As our pets age, they require extra support.  We educate you about opportunities for care - including pain management, alternative exercise, dental care, extra nutritional support using food and supplements and the pros and cons of joint support treatments, multi-vitamins, digestive support (enzymes, probiotics, etc); and Dr. Wright uses Applied Kinesiology (muscle tests) to create protocols that work best for your time constraints, resources and your pet’s needs <3.

Opportunities for Extra Support

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Pain Management

Alternative Exercise

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Joint & Digestive Support

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End of Life

End of Life Services

Valuing all family members including the littles, describing exactly the pet’s response to our 3-step, incredible humane, gentle process of going to sleep.

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Gentle & Inclusive

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3 Step Procedure

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In Office, at Home, or Mobile
Appointment Available 

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